“The Watcher” is a mythical creature who manipulates time with her SONY Walkman saber.
Meet “The Watcher”, a mythical creature living in the futuristic Guardian world.
She can manipulate time, pausing moments, rewinding events, or fast forwarding through time. Her saber, a SONY Walkman, is both musical and weapon.
As a member of The Guardians series, The Watcher complements beings like Harelyn (silver bunny woman and her snakes: seismic guardian), Finara (ocean floor cleansers) and the Floromorphs (fishlike beings with roots). The Watcher is both judging and forgiving of our choices, every action has consequences that resonate through time.
State of Being Sculpture Invitational, Art Society of Kingston, Kingston, NY (December 2024 – January 2025)