In the fantasy realm of Utopia Now, where modern mythological creatures are revered, themes of human connection and the environment are explored through my current work, “The Guardians.”

At the heart of this narrative is “Harelyn,” a Chimera with the powers to safeguard Utopia Now from the intense seismic threats through her parasitic companions—several small, shimmery serpents. These serpents travel out into the world, receiving seismic data through their bellies, and bring this data back to their Mother. Through the symbolism of Harelyn, I hope to convey a message of environmental responsibility.

“The Guardians” asks participants to reflect on the deep, intimate connection between all living beings and our world.

I have been collecting Global Seismic data through the USGS website with the intention for Harelyn to have a haptic output whenever there is activity in the world.