KITTY is a multiplayer game where a tiny blimp flies through hoops to grab points in a fantasy world.

The story is one of sacrifice, shape changing, and revenge. The KITTY blimps are named Poppy, Shrinky, Drale, and LaFloaty. These blimps live on Sýntheti Kampýli, a fictional planet, and are on a mission…   to stay alive as long as possible, to beat out the other blimps for points, and to not get popped.

Each blimp is on its own team and has their own particular skills. Poppy has thicker skin than the others, and she is the least likely to get popped. However, she is slightly heavier and hangs lower to the ground and uses more power. LaFloaty is the lightest. She is a bit misshapen, not quite round, and people tend to underestimate her. Drale is slow and dumb. Shrinky is the smallest and fastest.

They all risk their lives every time they go through a hoop. The hoops have motorized heated pins on them and sometimes the pin will come out with great force and pop you as you go through. If you crash into another blimp, they lose points and may start descending for a timeout.

You can gain more points and longer life if you hit targets hanging from the ceiling.

With great sound effects and a leaderboard!

The tech design on this project is documented on