Granny’s House (2019) is an immersive installation with performers that interact with the audience.
Debuted at Disorient’s Country Club and second show at O+ Festival in Kingston! 

Granny’s House is an incarnation of the beloved fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”. In this version, Little Red Riding Hood is a young woman who travels down a gloomy, wooded path with a basket of cookies to take to her Granny.

She meets the Wolf on the trail. The Wolf is creepy but handsome, he shows some interest in her. Red moves away in confusion. He asks her to dance, she worries about seeming impolite, lies, and tells him she doesn’t dance. He strokes her beautiful red cape unasked, she is bashful about pushing him away. He finally tries to X her.

The story is posted over 15 signs, you must follow each sign to read the next piece of the story, and to follow the trail to Granny’s House.

The installation is in Granny’s House, where Granny and Little Red have slit the Wolf from neck to middle in a gruesome display of hatred for those who attempt to use their power over women, and he is dead.